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ESTSS 2025 fee-waivers and travel grant scheme

For many years, the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies have been supporting participants from preferably low - and middle-income countries and students to attend the biannual ESTSS Conferences and build networks as well as present at the biannual ESTSS Conferences to showcase their research and work. This increases opportunities for disadvantaged individuals to participate in professional life at a European level, to gain new knowledge and disseminate it in their respective professional communities as well as share their research findings and clinical experience to the broader professional audience and thus contribute to the development of psychotraumatology.


For the 2025 Tbilisi conference ESTSS provides conference fee-waivers and travel grant scheme as follows:


  1. Student travel grant initiative: 10 travel grants in the amount of 600 Euros each for ESTSS student members to visit the Tbilisi 2025 conference. Each grant is intended rather as an encouragement than a full subsidy of travel, accommodation or conference fee. The initiative is open to all student members, but students from financially less advantaged countries and regions in Europe are particularly encouraged to apply for the grant.

  2. UKRAINE DELEGATES CONFERENCE FEE WAIVERS: 5 delegates from Ukraine are eligible for a conference fee waiver for the Biannual ESTSS conference at Tbilisi, June 2025 plus 600 Euros towards travel expenses and accommodation.


For further information about the funding available, eligibility and how to apply, please visit the ESTSS website


Note, all official emails about the conference will come from We are aware of fraudulent messages being sent from alternative addresses claiming to be ESTSS 2025. Please do not click links or send payments in response to these, if in doubt, please get in touch.

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